Since the EvilAdam.com domain name was stolen many years ago, I haven’t had a new website up for Evil Adam in quite some time.
Well, things have changed.
People seem to care about Evil Adam again and it’s time to bring it back.
A new live band lineup is on the way to start playing shows this year.
New music is on the way sooner than you would believe. March 1st, 2024 the long-awaited “Death of Innocence” is getting released to every streaming platform and digital storefront for music you can think of. Sure, you may have heard some of these songs before, but they were never “officially” released to streaming platforms and some only got mastered properly this year.
So it hits on March 1st, but but why wait? You can buy it on Bandcamp right now! Don’t believe me? Well, click right here to get it!
Anyhow, I am pretty psyched to get this all up and running again. Whow knows what insanity may pop up on here.